Naja Henke

Dr. Nadja Alina Henke

  • Fritz-Haber-Weg 2

    76131 Karlsruhe

Curriculum vitae


Head of “BIOSCALE” research group, Institute of Process Engineering in Life Sciences, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology


Project leader KaroTec (VIP+ BMBF) (Postdoc) at Bielefeld University, Faculty for Biology


Project leader Bicomer (EFRE) (Postdoc) at Bielefeld University


PhD Student, Industrial Biotechnology at Genetics of Prokaryotes at Bielefeld University


MSc, Genome-based systems biology, Bielefeld University


BSc, Biology, Bielefeld University

Research interests

Microbial biotechnology research focuses on innovative strain and bioprocess development to advance the circular bioeconomy. We specialize in terpenoid biosynthesis, leveraging bacterial cell factories like Corynebacterium glutamicum to produce high-value colorants and fragrances in stirred bioreactors. By employing cutting-edge sequencing technologies and advanced machine learning, we aim to deeply understand microbial behavior in industrial settings, paving the way for novel bioprocess scale-up concepts.

Selected awards & prizes

06/2019 Inventor award “Jörg-Schwarzbich“, Bielefeld University Society
12/2018 PhD award, Bielefeld University Society
2017 – 2019 Diverse prizes in (inter)national business- & pitch-competitions
12/2015 MSc award for outstanding achievements in white biotechnology
09/2015 Poster prize at Bioflavor and Fragrance Conference DECHEMA
02/2012 – 09/2015 Scholarship from the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
10/2010 – 09/2015 Scholarship from the Studienfonds OWL Foundation



Vacant positions

I am seeking for talented and highly motivated students for several positions within my research group, including Bachelor and Master thesis, internships, visiting students, PhD students and postdocs. To apply, please send me an email to nadja henke∂kit edu. Please include your CV, transcript of records as well as your relevant experience and specific interest in our research.

Scientific assistants
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