Student assistant - Fermentative production and extraction of natural pigments from a microbial process

Fermentative production and extraction of natural pigments from a microbial process

About Us:
The BIOSCALE group at BLT is looking for a student assistant in the field of bioengineering/ biotechnology or related disciplines to support a cooperative project with the Bioengineering and Biosystems group (IFG).

Working conditions:
Duration: September – December 2024 (approximately 85 h/month)
Alternatively: Longer working scope with earlier start (less than 85 h/month)

Payment: According to

Dr. Nadja A. Henke
CZS Junior research group BIOSCALE
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Microsystems in Bioprocess Engineering
Fritz-Haber-Weg 4
76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
E-Mail: Nadja.henke∂
Phone: +49 1736130714

Please apply with motivation letter, CV and transcript of records in one pdf file. Thank you.